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NVA - Army

 Product Description

The author of this book is a very good friend and I am providing him an advertising platform for his excellent set of reference books about DDR daggers and swords, which are published in German and in English language within the same book. There are a total of three volumes and I have created a listing for each of these books here. You can purchase these directly from the author Roman Korinth by contacting him at this email romankorinth@gmail.com 

Volume 2 - 240 pages - 119 Euros + postage

Our volume 2 deals specifically with the daggers of the Ministry for State Security (Stasi/MfS)

The aim of this book is to provide as complete an overview as currently possible of various military and government daggers that existed in the former German Democratic Republic. All pieces shown are originals. All other daggers that are assigned to the former GDR, which have not been shown by us here, should be clearly questioned about their origin, date of manufacture or changes to the dagger after 1990.

In unserem Band 2 geht es im speziellen um die Dolche des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit. (MfS)

Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, einen so kompletten wie derzeit möglichen Überblick über verschiedene militärische und staatliche Dolche zu vermitteln, die es in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik gegeben hatte. Alle gezeigten Stücke sind gesicherte Originale. Alle weiteren Dolche, die der DDR zugeordnet werden, die hier nicht von uns gezeigt worden sind, sollten deutlich hinterfragt werden nach Herkunft, Herstellungsdatum oder Veränderungen am Dolch nach 1990.

You can check out details for Volume 1 here and for Volume 3 here

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